Yahoo! Finance

Yahoo! Finance

CH2M, in collaboration with five other leading engineering and construction companies, launched a new industry group to protect the rights and welfare of workers worldwide, “Building Responsibly.” Tawny Chritton, CH2M’s Director of Social Impact, was elected chair of the organization’s Steering Committee. CH2M places great importance on ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of workers involved in our projects, and we have worked closely with fair labor expert, Verité, to implement our own worker welfare policy and foster industry collaboration.



Guatemala is among the world’s most prolific palm-oil-producing countries, but it also appears to be one of the cruelest. A new report (pdf) released by the international labor watchdog Verité details the labor and human rights problems in Guatemala’s fast-growing palm oil industry. And there are many, according to the report: Forced labor, child labor, health and safety risks, poor housing, environmental damage, and wage exploitation are just the highlights of the list of dangers facing impoverished palm oil workers and farmers in the country.